12 Days of Trading

Doug: Phew! There should just be the two days of Christmas, it’s too hard for us!
Bob: Um…
Doug: Go, hoser.
Bob: Oh.
Together Eigth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Doug: Eight comic books,
All: Seven packs of smokes, six packs of two-four,
(Bob and Doug become unsynchronized with the Background Singers, and quit singing.)
Background Singers: Five golden touques! Four pounds of backbacon, three French toast, two turtlenecks,
All: And a beer,
Doug: On my tree!
Bob: Yeah. That beer’s empty. Okay. — Bob and Doug McKenzie “12 Days of Christmas”

Aren’t we supposed to be down another 3% or back up 5% in a straight line because European’s leaders are meeting about to how to keep their banks from admitting their insolvent? Or something, right? What is this flat nonsense?

Guys, this is a market that’s looking like it’s going to do its best to fool the bulls and the bears as we head into year end. Speaking of which, do you realize how many trading days are left this year?  The money managers we all know and love have exactly 12 more trading days this year to fix their performance. Not sure what that means trading-wise, but it’s an interesting thought given that most managers I know are down or up single digits on the year.

And other than that, let’s take it easy here. I got a feeling we’re about to see a bunch of pitches for trading as we get through these next twelve days of trading.

Bob and Doug McKenzie “12 Days of Christmas”