As Cramer used to tell me in our sit downs — discipline trumps conviction…

I almost wrote yesterday about how the hardest trade to make was to let our aggressive stance ride — the hardest trade when you’ve been as aggressively long as we have been was to not trade at all.

That was yesterday and that was before we had half our longs up yet another 5% plus today.   We had the guts and the discipline to buy into the crash last month and to get aggressive near the bottom.  And we have had the guts to let our winners ride.

But we also need to maintain discipline and discipline dictates trimming down a little bit after catching a 10% move to the upside while being levered up and ready for it like we just did.

As Cramer used to tell me in our sit downs reviewing my hedge fund strategies — discipline trumps conviction.

So let’s trim a little today.   I’m selling just a tiny bit of my Google common, but I’m still holding both common and calls, all of which are nicely profitable for us now.

I’m also selling some Celestica common at about break even, but am holding the calls, which are net losers for me so far, there for now.  Mea culpa, but discipline dictates selling this one down a little bit too.