Base building, Lobo hoops and this market…

“You gotta build a base.”

0.01% — that’s how much the Nasdaq is up as I write this.  And that’s not a bad thing for the bulls at all, as I keep saying.  Because building a base is important, as one of my old UNM Lobo basketball teammates used to say.  He’s be eating donuts, drinking chocolate milk and maybe a Big Mac as we’d be getting our gear on for practice most days. Most of us would be astonished at this routine and Marlow once explained to me later that night at our apartment, “Cody, you see, I like to build a base.  Whether it’s basketball practice or going out for the night, you need to eat enough to build a base.”  Marlow White was his name and he was All-Conference his senior year.

And while I never ate donuts or drank chocolate milk right before practice like Marlow used to, I did start focusing on my eating habits and how they could impact my practice and play.  “Building a base” each day in my own way.

Anyway, if you think about it, the market needs to build a base now.  A good base is something that we can steadily trade/invest with.  And this market’s getting a pretty decent base started after the last few weeks craziness.

Back in just a minute with a new name for you.