Full analysis: Time to take the Occupy Movements and the EU/Euro collapse seriously

Over the last couple weeks, I have laid out the facts of what the people at the Occupy Movements are fighting — put simply get JP Morgan and GE completely off of welfare — and how the Occupy Movements are likely to start hitting the stock markets and/or get blamed for sell-offs in the stock markets in the near-term. Today, let’s talk about the long-term ramifications of the Occupy Movements and those ramifications are likely actually so bullish for the longer-term. I also am making a few moves in the portfolio to prepare for the likely near-term market weakness from both the Occupy Movements and — yes — the latest developments from the EU/Euro. Indeed, the parallels and timing of the EU/Euro collapse are likely to coincide with much of the Occupy Movement playbook I’ve been highlighting for you guys lately, in that way too — near-term bearish, long-term bullish.

For months, I have been counseling subscribers to buy every EU/Euro/Greece/Italy/etc panic and to sell the relief rallies. I’ve rightly hypothesized that the ongoing bailouts for the banks who stupidly lent trillions of dollars to governments that can’t pay the money, much less the interest, back would “continue to kick the can down the road”. But the fact is, that I’m actually starting to get worried/excited about the fact that the EU’s latest attempts to bail out the banks and their investors around the world aren’t going to work even for the near-term. To review, such a scenario of a collapsed/reorganized EU and Euro will likely crush stock prices and freak everybody out in the near-term. But the longer-term fundamentals will improve once we enable capitalism/rule-of-law to prevail again.

And see, that in a nutshell, is also why the Occupy Movements, which are still a mostly-American/Arab movement, are likely to accelerate in our own country and quickly pick up steam all over the developed world. The markets have likely pushed the can down the road as far they can and the system looks more likely to topple on top of itself than probably at any time in my life time, including when I was rightly freaking out in this clip back from August 2008, when the original TARP bank bailouts from our Republican/Democrat Regime in power destroyed what was left of “capitalism” in this country:

Fox Happy Hour Cody’s Big 3: Sell, Scared, Lost Faith Sep 11, 2008

Don’t lose your ability to recognize capitalism’s face when you see it. It looks to be returning and soon. And you know the playbook ahead of time — and that playbook is basically a perfect “Flip It” of what the mainstream media and the markets are looking at. As the markets now try to look past the fact that the ECB/IMF can’t sell $25MM worth of bonds where they used to sell $100MM at a clip to bailout the investors who should lose simply lose everything as a consequence of their own complacency and stupidity, we need to recognize that there’s likely a vicious cycle kicking in rather than a virtuous one for the near-term.

The EU/Euro are likely about to collapse in the next couple quarters, and that will likely roil our markets during that time frame and that will likely roil our economies and political systems further and that will likely drive more Occupy Movements and that will likely roil our markets during that time frame and that will likely finally help our “leaders” to kick this habit of protecting the elite/wealth/ownership class at the expense of the 99% and that will drive prosperity and earnings and growth once again.

So here’s what I’m doing to prepare/hedge our portfolios for such possible/likely outcomes. I’m going to continue to hold the best companies driving techological and other revolutions and I’ll hold some of my other longs like Visteon too. But I’m going to go ahead and finish taking the short-term gains we’ve got in both Bank of America and Goldman Sachs. And I’m going to sell down the Marvell as I’d noted earlier.

One of the trickiest parts of trading and investing is knowing when to take the macroeconomic and political threats to your portfolio seriously. Now seems to be one of those times. Be serious about your money.