Trade Alert: Headlines, links, fascism and other deep thoughts

I’m nibbling on some DDD, using some common stock. It’s been down steadily over the last few days and I want to take advantage of the sell off to add to my position a little bit.

Here’s what I was reading and thinking about when I wasn’t appreciating all the soft, steady rain we’ve been getting here in Alto, NM for the last few days.

Central bankers won’t fix Libor this weekend – Carney – Why not? How can these regulators be so cavalier about these ongoing crimes against society by these too big to fail banks? I got short the Morgans recently and boy was my timing off. I’d thought this Libor scandal with its trillion dollar fraud ramifications might actually get prosecuted. My bad.

JPMorgan Said to Face Escalating Senate Probe of CIO Loss – Senate Probe? Where the hell is the DoJ and the SEC and the FBI and why are there just not ever any prosecutions? These senators are all financed and backed and lobbied by JP Morgan and these bank CEOs they “probe” anyway. What a farce.

“Effective Evil” or Progressives’ Best Hope? Glen Ford vs. Michael Eric Dyson on Obama Presidency and “What Obama Has Wrought – “The Obama administration, with the Federal Reserve functioning as a component of the executive branch, has funneled at least $16 trillion to domestic and international banking institutions, much of it through a virtually “free money” policy that could well become permanent. This ongoing “rescue” of finance capital is unprecedented in sheer scope and in the blurring of lines between Wall Street and the State. The routine transfer of multi-billions in securities and debts and assets of all kinds between the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve and corporate accounts, has created de facto structures of governance that may be described as institutional forms of fascism.” Italics mine. Glen Ford with some provocative thoughts and using a term, “Fascism,” that Jon Stewart mocked me for using on TV when those bailouts where first being bandied about.

Cody Willard Calling Out Jon Stewart – Bet Jon Stewart doesn’t have the guts to mock Glen Ford for using that term to describe the same Republican/Democrat Corporatist Regime that I was describing.

AAPLTrader – I’ve mentioned before that I’m a fan of this site and I even partnered up with it on some business. Full disclosure and all that. Great community of Apple Investors.

For Farms in the West, Oil Wells Are Thirsty Rivals – “A single [fracking] well can require five million gallons of water, and energy companies are flocking to water auctions, farm ponds, irrigation ditches and municipal fire hydrants to get what they need.” Hmm, you think the price of water is going up or down? How best to profit on this trend? I’ve got Lindsay as a good play on this and I’ve also got some other ideas in this sector too.

Pinterest Beats Yahoo Organic Traffic, Making It 4th Largest Traffic Driver Worldwide – Any of you guys use Pinterest? My girl loves to surf around on it and we’ve had some great meals and desserts and have done some neat projects that she found on there. It’s not for me, I don’t think, but how about you guys? Would love to get some anecdotal feedback from you about Pinterest.

My Gut Feeling for Today, September 10, 2012 – My old friend Scott Rothbort with some insightful ideas about the markets and the current set up.

Bedbugs that run the online diploma mill business – Hilarious and accurate description of the online for profit so-called universities. I’m staying short the Apollo Group that runs Phoenix U.

Everything You Need to Know About Investing – In my brand-new book available in digital and paperback, I’ve tried to cover every topic in a way that will be helpful for the average Joe, but I guarantee that every investor and trader, no matter how experienced and successful, will find a lot of gems in here too. We’ve presented the information in a Q&A format that I hope makes the content accessible and enjoyable. There’s also a glossary of key terms, concepts and phrases and a helpful bibliography of suggested further reading for those who want to dig deeper. You can never be too educated when it comes to your money.