Here’s another subscriber question with my answer…

Here’s another subscriber question with my answer.  Thanks for reading and I’ll see you guys tomorrow.  As for trading, I only bought the MSFT calls today.

“How do you reconcile investing in internet-related mobile stocks with the cable and telcos imposing data/bandwith caps on their services?”

Cody here again.  My answer:

Cable and telco companies impose data/bandwidth caps on their services, but they’ll be competing against others who won’t.  And even with the dynamic of data/bandwidth caps, that doesn’t mean that these companies won’t continually be forced to give more data/bandwidth at cheaper prices.  Whatever caps you’re dealing with today will be about as relevant to our app/mobile/tablet/cloud realities in ten years as the discussion of how dial up data/bandwidth caps at AOL and Compuserve would impact Apple’s prospects in the year 2011 would have been been in 1999.

Prices for data and bandwidth will continue to plummet as size and speed expand exponentially.