Into the close, and we’ve got plenty of volatility in our own portfolio today…

Lots of cross currents out there today and the markets enter the final trading hours of the day here almost exactly flat, as each current cancels out an equal and opposite one.  Lots of M&A, lots of proclamations of immediate economic collapse, more evidence of mass foreclosure fraud from the largest bank in the country, lots of growth in apps/clouds/smartphones/iPads, lots of fear amongst the bulls…and we’re flat on the day.

Into the close, and we’ve got plenty of volatility in our own portfolio today.  From Ciena continuing to fade lower (still not time to add to that one — let it stabilize, probably this week, first) to silver dropping another 4% by the close today and even Microsoft putting on a 2% advance in a flat market, the flat action in the broader markets are masking some of these big moves underneath.

I sold those silver puts, locking in some very nice gains there and am looking to build up some of our longs this week on any weakness and perhaps even on strength too.   I will outline the plays I’m making, the stock or options I’m using, and the reasons why in real-time, of course.   More charts coming tomorrow illuminating the ways to play this part of the macro-economic/Fed cycle.

Thanks for reading today and I’ll see you back here tomorrow.