Investor’s thought of the day

Apple’s down almost 5% after a report that came in just about like all the mainstream media had predicted, but that apparently wasn’t completely priced into the stock.

On that, here’s the investor thought of the day for you —

Apple announces shareholder dividend payout to occur August 16, 2012

Apple Insider‎ – 15 hours agoApple has announced that its shareholders of record on August 13, 2012 will be paid a quarterly dividend of $2.65 per share on August 16…

I know you probably know I bought Apple at $7 a share back in March 2003. Think about that. Less than ten years later, Apple’s now paying more than $10 per share in annual dividends. If we can catch a few of these like we have over the years, we’ll have plenty to talk about in another decade too.

Two other notes — Juniper’s up on a decent report, but remember that our investment in that one is a play on their next routers catching big traction in the marketplace in the last part of this year and into next.

And also we’ve got this week’s Live Chat at 2pm EST at See you there or you can email me questions to and I’ll get yours included in the transcript.