I’ve stepped up and done some buying despite the emotions taking over out there…

The markets are flatlined down 3-4% across the board today and as one analyst note smartly put it, “There’s just a complete buyer’s strike out there.”

That, and there are obviously a lot of folks running for the hills.  The emotions are running the markets right now. And emotions are tough to game day to day.

I’ve stepped up and done some buying despite the emotions taking over out there.  I bought Google calls — out of the money, with strike prices up to $600 even, dated out in January of next year.   Same with Apple calls — I bought some with strike prices up to almost $400 and dated out six to nine months or so.  And I bough some Sandisk calls, up to $40 strikes dated out into early next year also.

I still have ammo on the sidelines, but this is a larger scale in than I’ve been doing of late.

Bottoms are processes.

“You know what luck is? Luck is believing you’re lucky, that’s all.”  Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire