Party invite, stressed-out investors, and another Penny Stock Hype Machine

No trading for me today. I find I’m wanting to find a good trade for us and am probably trying too hard, so I’m not pushing it. Let the pitches come to us and we’ll swing at the best ones only.
First off:
WALL STREET ALL-ALL STARS and SCUTIFY.COM cordially invite all subscribers to a cocktail party sponsored by Wall Street All-Stars and at the Rothbort residence. Come and meet Cody Willard, Kheang Ly and Scott Rothbort.
DATE Friday November 21, 2014 TIME 7:00 PM
RSVP or (973) 564-8139
And join me at the Las Vegas Traders Expo on Thursday, Nov. 20 from 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m., for my presentation that I hope will make you a better investor and trader for the rest of your life: “10,000 Days: The Shocking Concept That Will Change the Way You Trade and Invest Forever.”
I often ask, who’s more scared right now, the bulls or the bears because when there’s an overwhelming consensus in the answer to that question, it’s often time for the markets to put on a big contrarian move opposite that sentiment. Are you a bull or one of the few bears remaining? Are you scared right now? Do you think most bulls are scared right now?
I’ve noticed throughout this week that tensions have been very high on Latest Scuttles and that’s a reflection of the stress felt by most traders and investors right now. There’s likely a lot of money managers who missed this last leg higher from the Ebola lows and now find themselves drastically behind their market benchmarks with just 45 days to go into year-end. That kind of technical set-up into year-end could be a catalyst for the winners to keep their momentum heading higher. I personally am not trying and wouldn’t suggest trying to game the next market move, but it’s something to think about.
And then there’s this:
Here’s another example of how this Penny Stock Hype Machine works to dupe retail investors into thinking they’re investing in some hot trend like “Legalized Marijuana” is right now.
This tweet trying to get me to read an article about crappy #pot #penny stocks got me using Google for a minute. Click on each to learn how the penny stock game works. This hypster sent me this tweet:

Takes you to this article on Huffington Post:


Where you’ll see that the author, Mark Fidelman, from

was paid by these guys at a pot penny stock company:

that he promoted in his article. And you see that just last week, the CEO used to supposedly run and the shell company used to be a SHIPPING TRUCKING COMPANY before it magically reverse mergered to become a crappy pot penny stock hype machine. AVOID THESE HYPED UP PENNY STOCKS AT ALL COSTS ALL THE TIME. Rock on. Learn more: