Thanksgiving, the Scutify closing date and chat

Couple housekeeping items.
With it being Thanksgiving week, and Monday being December 1st which we’d set as the date of closing for the Scutify offering, we’re going to make the close date December 5, 2015, next Friday. No reason to be stressing out about a Monday close date over the long weekend. All that said, I do reiterate that we’ve had a lot of interest and money come in already on this offering and it’s limited to 200,000 shares, so if you’re going to invest in this round, do it earlier rather than later.
Here’s @ScottRothbort, @KheangLy, @MichaelHaynes and@ScutifyNewsBits working our Scutify booth at the money show in Vegas last week.

I’m also going to cancel this week’s Live Q&A Chat, and we’ll do two next week. We’ll do a Live Q&A Chat on Monday at 10am EST and one on Wednesday at 2pm EST as usual. If you have a question in the meantime, just email us at and I’ll answer it directly and include it in Monday’s transcript.
Peace, love and happiness to you this holiday season.