The Scutify iPad app is on fire

The Scutify iPad app is on fire

We sent this out to the nearly 20,000 registered users on Scutify last night. Thought you’d like to know.

The best way to get ready for the trading week ahead
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Get ready for the trading week with Scutify

*Click here to download the new Scutify iPad App*

New warfrontsbubbles blowingand MIA bears — are you ready for this week (not to mention the rest of this year)? Great insights and constant news flow about all this and much more are happening every day on Scutify.

And the very best presentation of all the markets, news and your own portfolio stocks, come in the form of the new Scutify iPad App which is now available.


Thousands of traders and investors have already downloaded the new Scutify iPad app and it’s already hit the Top 20 of the Free Finance Apps for iPad at the Apple App Store. Find out why it’s already so popular just 72 hours after release by downloading it here –


And if you’d like a free copy of either (or both) of Cody Willard’s books –

Simply sign into Scutify from any of our apps or on and send a scuttle to @CodyWillard and let us know which one(s) you’d like.

Click here to download the new Scutify iPad App


@CodyWillard and @KheangLy

Get your free copy of Cody’s book
If you haven’t done so, download the iPhone or Android App
Now available for Firefox OS as well on the Chrome Web Store

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