The truth about Yahoo’s apps, marijuana stocks and Biden’s baby boy’em+and+weep

Read ’em and weep

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Flattish, mixed markets to open the week. Meanwhile, the divergence of action in the crashed small caps/highflyers and the broader markets has to be resolved at some point, no? You’re not that scared, are you?
I would rather be long the trashed and short the prized stocks right now, for the short-term at least. For me that means adding some new positions, nice and slowly, on some stocks that are down 75% or more in some cases. I started a new basket of that very kind of thing last week and am actively scaling into YELP and smaller positions in FEYE and FUEL for now.
More dots to connect as we start another new week, early in the new quarter, still early in the new year, and still early in the new century and really early in the new millennium. So let’s get connected.
Brilliant analogy from @LunaticTrader: “A picture I posted on my blog years ago. The situation is still the same. The folks who have been putting sugar in the economic tank for years continue to talk about confidence and “stimulating” the economy. How about “unburdening” it first?”

I’ve always argued that confidence in the system and growth in the economy, you simply have to prosecute theft and fraud in the market place and avoid creating mal-investment with government/political control of money and companies. Instead, today the RepublicanDemocratRegime won’t prosecute theft and fraud and instead bails out and cozies up to the banks who steal and defraud. Sigh. Great article, a must-read.
Stock-Market Capitulation, Defined – For years I’ve been a fan of Simon Constable, Host of the News Hub show at WSJ Live, and a fine journalist and writer. Here’s his latest book called “50 Economic Indicators that Really Matter,” full of similar insights, btw.
Two down, one to go as California Chrome races to victory – Every time I see a headline that says, “California Chrome” I think of Google Chrome browser. Wonder if there’s a cheesy commercial for Chrome browser featuring the race horse coming down in the near future?
Cisco and Google Can Take This Hot Tech Stock Higher – For now, GOOG is sort of perceived as a “safe” stock in tech, and that can be good for the short-term but will hurt on the downside hit whenever it comes next as the people who thought it was “safe” then decide it’s not after they’ve lose money on it. The game/cycle/mentality of trading never changes, it’s just easier to look out five or ten years and see that $GOOG and Android will likely be much bigger and more valuable and making more money then than they are today and that means the stock will likely be higher too.
Yahoo!7 launches new finance app for iOS and Overhauled Yahoo Mail App for Android – I get so frustrated with Yahoo finance on my iPhone because they changed to a mobile layout that doesn’t include balance sheet and other info I used to use their site for. Then I get excited when I realize that their mistakes give Scutify an even bigger opportunity. Meanwhile, Android and its seamless integration with all your Google accounts and Gmail make even Apple’s AAPL latest iOS and apps seem antiquated. Yahoo is not an app company. I am considering shorting that stock soon.
Best review EVER on the Scutify iPhone app: “This app will become a must have for all investors/traders around the world. But it’s much more than finance. Cody Willard said recently on Scutify that, ‘you gotta start somewhere’, and it struck a chord with me. How will anything change toward fairness if we don’t get started. Scutify is that venue. There’s a moral and ethical foundation to the truth, as well as ideas for making our world a better place for all.” Amen.
Speaking of telling you the truth: SEC warns investors about over-the-counter marijuana stocks – “The SEC’s warning trails a similar decree made by MarketWatch’s own Cody Willard months ago. Willard has warned against trading OTC stocks in general, citing marijuana stocks and e-cigarette companies as particularly shady.” I’ve been tellin’ ya.
Biden returns to Europe in wake of Ukraine crisis and Biden’s Son Joins Board of Gas Company Linked to Ousted Ukrainian President – The facts: Ukraine Energy Co has lots of “legal rights” to lots of energy fields in Ukraine. If Russia takes over Ukraine, those “legal rights” will be gone forever. Best way to save your company? Weeks after Joe Biden visits, you appoint his son to your Ukraine Oil Co, and now the US will say its got US interests in Ukraine. Much more “aid” from US taxpayers to support Biden’s Baby Boy’s Board company and the regime now in power in Ukraine and perhaps a full blown war in Ukraine is the most likely outcome with this development.