Today’s links and don’t forget today’s chat at 2pm EST

Don’t forget this week’s chat session at 2pm EST at where you can ask me anything. Here’s what I was reading and thinking about when I wasn’t cutting wood this morning.

CBO Solution to Budget Crisis – Everyone Bend Over! – Bruce’s title says it all. His words, not mine. I might call it “The next Black Swan”. That said, you have to read his column, because his conclusion absolutely blew my mind. After all that, he’s thinking about the stock market in those terms? Fascinating and not far at all from where I end up in my own econ-analysis.

Positive Earnings Reactions Still Outpacing Negative Reactions – Jordan’s got some great details on how the stocks have been reacting to earnings reports this season. My own anecdotal tracking of the reactions confirms his. And my own history of trading would tell us that positive earnings seasons can lead to extended break outs.Cisco expected to show stability, strength – Tonight brings Cisco.

Which could answer his question: Will Dip Buyers Continue To Show Up?

Then again – U.S. earnings set to keep declining

My Gut Feeling for Today, Feb 8, 2012 – Scott Rothbort should take a victory lap for his Buffalo Wild Wings call. He’s been all over this stock for his readers. Here’s another good BWLD article – Buffalo Wild Wings is smoking. Personally, I can’t decide if I think Buffalo Wild Wings or has the worse commercials? That stupid BWLD commercial where the janitor turns on the sprinklers to send the game into overtime is one of the worst commercials of all time.

Greek bailout hopes rise as ECB makes concession and QE3 still on table: Fed’s Williams – Seriously, those are real headlines from today. Not just from last week. Last month. Last year. Sigh.

A Proposal for Money Market Funds II – Merkel with common sense proposals for the industry and its regulators. Which means that nobody will listen, of course.

Wired’s Embarrassing Whitewash of Foxconn – The anti-Apple backlash is building. Do you have feelings about Apple’s labor practices? Would it affect your purchasing of an Apple product? What you gonna do, buy an HP or a Dell? What’s the alternative to buying tech products made with near-slave labor? Being a Luddite?