Trades for the week of April 30th through May 4th

One quick note before we get into this week’s list of trades. I typed that I had “fought for my country” at Occupy Wall Street and didn’t see that until I’d already sent it out and published it. Point is, I didn’t “fight for my country” — the guys in Iraq and Afganistan are fighting for our country, literally. That’s why I give all members of the military a free subscription to as a small gesture of trying to help those out who have served our country. That article now reads that I “fought for rule of law in my country” at OWS. Thanks again to all of you have served and please tell any and all of your fellow soldiers that they are welcome to reach out to us at to get their own complimentary subscription.

Here’s a list of this week’s trades.

Common Stock:
Stock Long or Short Action Date Initiated Price
ZNGA-Zynga, Inc* Long Buy 5/3/2012 $8.83
Stock CALL or PUT Action Date Initiated Stock Price Strike Price Exp Dt
BKS-Barnes & Noble* PUT Buy 5/1/2012 $19.49 $20.00 Jan-13

* Indicates New Position

Have a great weekend everybody and see you Monday.