Updates on two other earnings reports

Good morning and welcome back to the baseball field, where the savers aren’t punished by the Fed like they are in the real world.

As I’d mentioned in the interview with the WSJ on Friday, I didn’t address two of our other stocks that reported earnings on Thursday night, both of which rallied big time for us. 3D Systems (DDD) and Amazon (AMZN) both rallied almost 10% on Friday after reporting strong numbers.

Amazon’s topline growth and continued investment in becoming a digital platform and not just a retail platform, is continuing apace and that’s why I added it a few weeks ago.

3D Systems continues to show big organic growth in addition to the growth they get with their aggressive acquisition strategy, and the stock is up more than 20% from its lows last week.

I’m holding both of these positions steady.

Meanwhile, the markets are flattish-to-up and we’ve got a few more earnings reports to sift through this week.

Mariano Rivera Save vs Red Sox