What to expect from your subscription to TradingWithCody

Folks, my support staff got a little overwhelmed with all the Valentine’s Day Special signups we’ve received. Bear with them as they work through all the requests for help — we will get to each and every one of you before the end of today. No trades for me yet this morning and I’ll have more analysis for you guys in the next post, but with all the new sign ups, I thought it’d be good to outline what exactly you get when you sign up for TradingWithCody.com. Long-time subscribers, please chime in with any other services or features that of TradingWithCody I’ve forgotten to mention below.

Thanks for subscribing to TradingWithCody.com. With your subscription, you get full access to all of TradingWithCody’s features and articles including:

  • A weekly anything-goes chat with Cody each Wednesday at 2pm EST. To participate, simply log in to TradingWithCody.com and go toTradingWithCody.com/chat, scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter your question during the chat session. Each subscriber, whether you participate in the chat or not, also receives a full transcript of each week’s chat afterward.
  • A daily chat dialogue (that’s seen on the right side bar of each page on the site) with other subscribers where Cody makes regular appearances to answer more of your questions and engage in detailed discussions with you.
  • Access to all of Cody’s investment books, including The Dirty Dozen: 12 Stocks with Fundamentally Broken Business Models and 10 Stocks to Own for the Next 10 Years. To access any of the books, simply log into TradingWithCody.com and run your mouse over the menu bar where it says “Cody’s Investment Books”, which will display a menu of all the investment books we’ve publish since we started TradingWithCody.com. Click on the book you want to read.
  • Some of the best customer service on the Internet. This might be a new-school, revolutionary investment and trading service, but there’s no replacing good ol’ fashioned customer service. Email support@tradingwithcody.com or call us at (646) 397-7244 anytime and our support staff (and occasionally even Cody himself) get back to you usually within a few hours.
  • A 70% discount on your subscription to WallStreetAllStars.com. Cody is the founder, CEO and Chairman of WallStreetAllStars.com, a revolutionary financial news hub featuring original trading ideas and portfolio strategies from the best money managers, traders, pundits and financial reporters on the Internet. TradingWithCody.com subscribers get a Platinum account on WallStreetAllStars.com for $15 a month, 70% off the regular $49 a month subscription rate. To sign up at the discounted rate, simply visit: WallStreetAllStars.com/TradingWithCodyDiscount.
  • A list of all of Cody’s positions in order of largest to smallest. You can see how the portfolio has evolved since launch by visiting TradingWithCody.com/category/positions.
  • Immediate updates via email and the site whenever Cody does a trade for his personal portfolio.  He lists what stocks and options he’s buying as he’s buying them with detailed analysis, time-frame and other expectations usually between one to three times per day. The focus here is on the long-term, as we invest in the best stocks on the planet driving revolutions in their marketplaces, and as we short the worst companies on the planet as the tectonic plates of the economy move against them.  You’ll get frequent ideas of other, more aggressive and short-term trades several times per week too, including some pre-earnings gambles that you’ll see me take with my own money, right or wrong.
  • Cut-throat and provocative economic and market analysis articles often with “Must-read links”, usually one or two per day.

One thing not to expect — a magic silver bullet and immediate short-term gains in your portfolio. TradingWithCody.com is here to help you make big money and protect your capital over the next 10,000 days, not the next 100 days.  The key is to get more investments and trades right than wrong over your entire investment/trading career and to maximize our gains in those we get right while minimizing our losses in the trades and investments we get wrong. I’ve been high-profile trading and investing successfully for a very long time now and while I’ve got no magic bullet for you, I guarantee you will become a better investor and trader while you’re subscribing to TradingWithCody or you can cancel at anytime.

Thanks again for subscribing and please let us know what we can do to help make you a better trader and investor.


Cody Willard