I’ll be giving a presentation at the February Money Show Trader’s Expo in NYC

I’m going to give a presentation about Everything You Need to Know About Investing at the upcoming Money Show Trader’s Expo in NYC on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 10:30 am. Registration for the expo and attendance to my presentation are free.
Go here to sign up: Moneyshow.com/tradeshow/new_york/traders_expo/?scode=034412
Workshop Details
Everything You Need to Know About Investing
Tuesday, February 18, 2014 | 10:30 am – 11:15 am

Cody Willard
In this presentation, I will approach this broad topic with lots of details and explanations and real-life examples of trying to become a successful investor or trader, in a way that will be helpful for the average Joe, but also touching on key topics that pros can use too.
Special Notice: The Show Schedule is subject to change. Please check back frequently for revisions, additions, and possible cancellations to ensure that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information. Be sure to consult the Official Show Schedule, which will be included in your registration bag, and that you will receive at the Attendee Registration Desk at the show. Also, please be sure to pick up Daily Show Updates at the Registration Desk each morning of the show to check on changes that may have occurred since the Official Show Schedule went to print.
Go here to sign up: Moneyshow.com/tradeshow/new_york/traders_expo/?scode=034412